Now that plants are starting to gain some height in the fields and woods, nettles might be found in a local market – and here is a recipe to use a smaller amount of nettles.
TOOLS: Tongs to handle nettles without checking the lay of the many stinging hairs -( i.e. – their directionality). A pot (for boiling and steaming). A pan for sautéing. A knife and a cutting board – to cut tomatoes and blanched nettle, and then butter.
INGREDIENTS AND RECIPE: Sautéed Nettles with tomato and mushroom (for an omelette):
FIRST, IT SHOULD BE SAID, TO PLEASE BE CAREFUL WHEN HANDLING NETTLES – they have hairs which can cause pain when handled, before blanching. Blanch nettle in boiling water about 2 minutes (maybe not all at once – depends on size of pot, and amount of water boiled). Chop nettle, and maybe dice a slice or two of tomatoes, and steam some mushrooms using the water the nettle cooked in (not sure, but guessing any leftover water can be cooled, and put into compost, if not used for cooking)
Saute the nettle in some butter with salt and pepper (for maybe 1 1/2 cups of blanched chopped nettle , 1 T to 1 1/2 T of butter). When about done, add in the fresh diced tomatoes for a minute. Turn off heat. Stir in the steamed mushrooms.
PRECAUTIONS: Please look at a reference on nettles before using – and know some people might have an allergic reaction to the food nettles (as well as to their sting). Take care when opening any pot with steam. For blanching, no cover is needed – only for steaming the mushrooms.

NETTLE FOR DOGS?: Some bites of this nettle recipe should be a welcome treat – for quantity, please check references on nettles and canines, or ask a canine nutritionist, your veterinarian, or other qualified specialist.